Tuesday, September 1, 2009


As you can imagine, for someone who pays others to paint, pre-painted minis are a godsend. It all started with CMGs, but AT-43 is the current king.

Ive been into this game since launch. The company has had its problems, but lets talk paint job.

"Good for pre-paints" doesnt do this line justice. They are painted really well. The lines are clean and the armor is detailed with camo and battle damage. The vehicles and armored suits are absolutely perfect. The only thing is, the faces of the infantry are not detailed. They are highlighted but have no eyeballs or anything.

Lets be honest, most people cannot paint at this level. Most armies you see on the table are unpainted, half painted or look like shit. Every club has 2-3 painting masters, past that it doesnt hit the AT-43 level often.

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