Monday, August 31, 2009

Choosing a painter

Once you post your ad, odds are you will recieve a handfull of responses to choose from. I will list the most likely:

New Guy: this is the guy who is thinking about painting for money. He maybe a good painter, maybe not. Odds are he has no idea what to charge for anything and thinks a little too highly of his own work. However it could work out with cheap good work, but dont count on it.

New Service: and individual or group that has just started and needs work to display to potential clients. Website may be up or in the process of going up. Usually these guys are a good deal, they are probably working bellow market and will give 110% just to have word of mouth and nice pictures on their webpage.

Established Individual: this guy has probably been painting for moeny for a while and knows his stuff. He should have examples of his work somwhere online. Price will be a factor in your decision as well as knowledge of genre.

Established Service: they are kind of the most boring responses to get. Its more "look at my website for quotes and examples" unless they need the business and then expect a better market rate.

Dont choose anyone without an example of their work either painted by them or a picture.

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