Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GW Painting Scores

Bell of Lost Souls posted an interesting article yesterday. Do soft scores belong in 40k tournaments? I wanted to comment on that. I will struggle to not editorialize on GW tournaments and stick to the subject.

One of the "soft scores" is painting.

Does it belong in scoring? I have to say since GW promotes a "hobby" and not a game, yes. I find their notion of a "hobby" stupid, however. You are not allowed to use other companies minis, bits or even paint. It should be called, "the GW way of life". Thou shall have no other companies before me.

I told you it would be a struggle.

Do the players think it belongs? That seems to be a different story. More and more people just want to play the game and not fool with the hassle of painting. In the last tournament I played in about 2-3 armies were completely painted, counting mine. Some had no painted figures at all.

With GW slowing backing out of the tournament scene its going to be left up to the indys. Right now they are still towing the old party line but with enough pressure that could change.

More and more people are doing the same thing I do, paying others. You are even seeing this at the Golden Demon level. Why people would pay hundreds for paintjob just to win an award is beyond me.

I think in the future things will change. I really see GW doing pre-paints sooner or later. Many companies are already offering them.

1 comment:

  1. err... how on earth would GW even contemplate stopping you from using other companies paints?

    Would they have a spectrophotometer on site?!

    I've been using a mixture of GW, Foundry, Vallejo, Tamiya and other for MANY years now, and I've attended over 25 Grand Tourneaments!
    Sure they frown upon you using Ral Partha etc. models in THEIR event, but they don't mind if you do head and weapon swaps.

    Stop promulgating falsities when it comes to our hobby!
